a commitment to fair and sustainable development and better group performance

The approach adopted by SNiPBERING to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is of the highest level among companies in its sector.

The long-lasting and participatory initiatives taken by SNiPBERING guarantee sustainable development based on ethics, responsible purchasing, continuous reduction of our impact on the environment, better working conditions and the transfer of knowledge and skills.

The excellent CSR achievements of SNiPBERING

  1.     a structured approach to CSR
  2.     quantified commitments and tangible actions addressing the issues
  3.     detailed information on implementation
  4.     a CSR report on activities/performance indicators

This achievement recognises a strong engagement and is the result of, not only the commitment to action but also, the sustained effort of our approach.

A CSR policy for the future

Our pro-active approach allows us to tackle social and environmental issues. SNiPBERING is looking to the future and is committed to sustainable development.
Social engagement

To encourage access to employment and development in the workplace, to tackle all forms of discrimination (age, sex, education etc.), as well as to transfer knowledge and skills in line with SNiPBERING values.
Societal commitment

The desire of SNiPBERING to become involved in the local community. Through partnership activities (visits to our premises from schools, etc.) and patronage (sponsorship, sports events, etc.) SNiPBERING is resolutely looking to the future and the discovery of the industrial world and the various jobs within it.
Ethical commitment

This relates to SNiPBERING principles and values and helps satisfy requirements linked to the expectations of our partners and ever increasing risks.
Responsible Purchasing Policy

This is based on collaborative and responsible values on a human, ethical and environmental level.
Sustainable Development

Our policy is witness to a strong commitment to:

    reduce the impact on the environment from our activities and our products
    the relationship of trust with our stakeholders